New Year, New Website! (2020 Life + Business Updates)
It’s been a while since my last post here! And for good reason. If you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to, here’s my long awaited update for you!
First of all—as some of you already know—2019 was a year of rapid and profound transformation for me. I had seen it coming for a while already. After a period of burnout and soul-searching that began back in 2017, things finally became crystal clear last year. I knew that I needed a bigger change than I had dared to admit to myself up until then. And once I fully surrendered to the infinite possibilities that I knew were open to me, the answer came:
There was a deep longing in my soul to embark on a more creative journey.
I had always enjoyed expressing my creativity in many different forms. Back in the past, I had even had a creative business (after leaving corporate, I was a freelance copywriter and content editor for a while). And even throughout my career as a spiritual teacher and intuitive, creating my own products had always been one of my very favourite things to do.
After a few years in the coaching world, everything finally came full circle last year: I followed my inner guidance to offer my creative services to soul-inspired business owners who wanted support with their online presence and passive income products. And the response from my audience was an instant and almost overwhelming YES!
What I hadn’t expected: While I initially thought I would mostly be helping spiritual teachers and entrepreneurs build their websites, the offer that spoke to my audience the most was my “Get Your Own Oracle Card Deck Designed + Published” done-for-you service.
In retrospect, this doesn’t even surprise me that much. Truth is, I had seen this happening in a vision when I first got started on my journey as a spiritual guide and YouTuber back in 2011. And: Even though I was in the coaching world for a few years, my business has been registered as a publishing business since 2012.
Last year, life made it abundantly clear to me that it was time for me to realign my path with my original vision. And ever since then, I’ve been having a blast creating oracle card decks for my clients (as well as for myself).
My New Website
For a while, I shared quite a bit of content around the topic of creating oracle card decks on my existing (a.k.a.: this) website. However, I soon realized that it would eventually be best to create a completely new online presence for my done-for-you services and everything connected to my own products (oracle cards and the like). And finally, here it is:
My new website—check it out here:
Where I See Myself Heading From Here
This entire journey has been an interesting evolution! And to be honest, I feel I’m only just getting started. I’m catching glimpses of where I’m heading, but there’s also a lot that I know will unfold over time. What I’m seeing right now:
While I absolutely LOVE this new direction that life has pointed me in last year, there’s definitely more coming. Designing oracle card deck for my clients has been SO much fun—and I believe this will continue to be an important part of my journey as I keep moving forward.
However, what I’m also seeing and feeling deeply is that I DO have a calling as a spiritual guide and teacher. What form this is going to take EXACTLY, I’m not entirely sure yet. But: I have felt a strong pull to start offering intuitive readings again in (which you can also find on my new website).
I also recently started a new YouTube channel dedicated to all things oracle cards and readings. Currently, I share weekly messages using my Magical Heart Healing Cards as well as some of my other decks (including my new deck which is coming soon—the Divine Magic Oracle Cards).
Coming soon: The Divine Magic Oracle Cards!
What’s Happening to This Website
I’ve been feeling for a while now that it will eventually be time to give this website a much needed makeover as well. However, this will probably still take a little bit of time. (Life has been challenging me to be patient with this one!) ;)
By the way, if you haven’t yet seen my latest co-creation with my dear friend Timothy Brainard—speaking about the magic of waiting viewed through the lens of Human Design and the Gene Keys—check it out here!
What I’m seeing right now is that sometimes it’s best to simply work on the new while the old has time to fall away and transform naturally, and I trust that the right impulses will come in perfect timing.
If I can make a good guess: I believe that the new direction I’ve been exploring will eventually merge with what I’ve created here. And I’m happy to allow that to be a surprise! :) (But also feeling the magic, the liberation, the expansion already, and getting more and more excited about what is to come!)
I will keep you updated!
In the meantime, find me over on my new website,, or reach out to me directly here!
Happy 2020, and I can’t wait to see what this new year has in store for all of us! :)